Petitioning for Permission to Enroll in More than 20 Units

Students wishing to take more than 20 units in an academic quarter must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 and a previous quarter Grade Point Average of 3.5. If you meet the GPA requirement and would like to take more than 20 units, please submit the Petition to take Excess Units.

*If approved to exceed 20 units, you will be expected to enroll in ALL courses indicated. If, after being approved to exceed 20 units, you submit a request to drop a course throughout the quarter or submit a request to change a course to Pass/No Pass, future requests to exceed 20 units may not be approved.

Please follow the guidelines below:

Academic Year:

Must have 3.5 cumulative and quarterly GPA. YOU must wait until grades are official. 

We need a list of each course you wish to take and how many units the course is worth. We need to know the total. Please submit this via the Excess Petition of Units Form.

For example:

Writing 40 – 4 units
History 12 – 4 units
Social Science 3A – 4 units
Physics 7C – 4 units
Physics 7LC – 1 unit
Spanish 1B – 5 units

Total: 22.0 units


Must have 3.5 cumulative and quarterly GPA.. YOU must wait until Spring grades are official. 

We need a list of each course you wish to take and how many units the course is worth. We need to know the total amount of units. Please send this information via the Excess Petition of Units Form.

For example:
Summer Session I

History 12 – 4 units
Social Science 3A – 4 units

Total: 8 units

Summer Session II
Spanish 1BC – 8 units
Social Science 10A – 4 units

Total: 12 units