Academic Advising

The Undergraduate/Undeclared advising staff is available throughout the academic year to help you to explore and decide upon a possible major. Advisors also discuss academic issues, such as course scheduling, General Education and major requirements, and academic progress. Students meet with an academic advisor each quarter to discuss progress toward a major, major declaration, and graduating in a timely manner. Beyond the quarterly appointments, the academic advisors and peer academic advisors are also available for drop-ins and scheduled appointments. For more information about your responsibilities and the advisor’s responsibilities in the advising relationship, click here.

Benefits of Academic Advising

  • Get assistance in goal setting and major exploration
  • Learn about various majors and minors
  • Get assistance in selecting courses to meet your major and career goals
  • Make sure you are on track to graduate
  • Receive help with developing strategies to improve academic performance
  • Get questions answered about policies and procedures
  • Obtain referrals and advice about campus resources

How Often to See an Academic Advisor

  • You are required to see your assigned academic advisor at least once a quarter, however, you may see your advisor anytime you have a question about your academic goals and choices at UCI. There may be times when you are feeling confused or overwhelmed or generally unclear about what you are supposed to be doing. We are happy to help!

What to Do When You Meet with an Academic Advisor

Preparing for an appointment:

  • Bring a list of questions or concerns
  • Notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot attend a scheduled appointment—we want to be able to help as many students as possible.
  • Be ON TIME!

During the appointment:

  • Share your goals and educational priorities
  • Provide your advisor with accurate information about your interests and abilities
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something or need clarification

After the appointment:

  • Follow up on recommendations
  • Organize and retain all records and documents

Sample Questions to Ask an Academic Advisor

  • Can you help me plan possible majors or minors that will complement my interests?
  • Where do I stand in meeting my degree requirements?
  • What do you think about this tentative course schedule?
  • Can you help me decide how many units I should take?
  • Can you direct me to resources and opportunities that can fit with my long-term goals?


“I wanted a major that UCI does not have so I came in Undergraduate/Undeclared. They helped me find the right major for me.”

“As an Undergraduate/Undeclared student, I took several introductory classes and then picked the subject I enjoyed most as my major.”